idiot..zzz...wat theory is tat...

My title 2day..dreamzzz...梦...
dreams are something that very special,undefined,undiscovery..
no ppl tat can 100% explain wat is dream,how it come up 2 us...
dreams usaully happen during our bed time...
and dreams usually hv many definations according 2 our dreams...
I am a dream lover..
I love to dream...
I frequently dream...
I don't build castle in d air...
I oni dream at nitezz...
or can consider as my bed time story...
although i like 2 dream..
I am nt a IDIOT...
shall i use english or chinese 2 continue?
i noe my chinese is good (slap myself XD)..
ok..i decide 2 use english(my eng has bcum sucked since i din polish 4 so long T.T..)
since U oni can read english...
Last nite i had a dream..
i dream bout U and me..
in a golden coast
with glimmering sands
cover by flickering sea shells
sunlight is penetrating
our every single cell
i feel d warm
from sun papa
n peace
from wind mama
my heart is so relaxed
til i can forget any single
that happen in our daily life
d meanin of my life at tat moment
is jz be wif U
gently hold Ur hands up
we walk along d sands
Ur hand is
so smooth
so soft
as if like holdin clouds
from high of d sky
Ur broaden smile
can light up flickering hopes
of every single disaster victims
as if
angel smile
from d heaven

no voice
oni sound from d environment
accompany 2 of Us
to feel d nature of d earth
from hands to hands
link our heart to heart
every little thing
is no secret to both of Us
being beside U
i m feelin
tat able me 2 say
i m on top of d world
d scene change
we are riding on an old school mini bike
environment are undiscribeable
time flies along d windy wind tat flowin around us
my unbearale heart
startin 2 shake
bcuz i noe is oredi time
to say goodbye
to my
sweetening dreamz...
is a long post i guess..
but who cares..
dis is my blog..
so i hv d right to write wat i want..
n to express wat i feel...
I miz d old time wif U
miz d moment saying i miz U and i lov U
whenever i wan hang up my fon
bcuz i say wat i mean
is has oredi been 5 or 6 years ago
and yet
U stil remain very special to me
bcuz after passin through
so many years
i stil dun manage 2 hv d 2nd or 3rd one
U will always remain in my featured frenz in fs
bcuz until nw
U r d oni 1 tat has written be4 in my history of relationship
mayb i m lookin 4 a too high qualifaction 1
or mayb i m nt good in tacklin?
god knows...
happy 2 noe tat U stil kinda of miz me..
after din c me so long..
glad 2 tel u
I DO MIZ U 2 ^^
good9 ppl
i feel d warm
from sun papa
n peace
from wind mama
*choke choke choke choke*
Okay I shouldn't be like that, err okay dreams are good and nice
but I always have nightmares of who invades my house and I try to fight ahahahah wth.
ehaha..i do hv nightmares 2 XD..but in a conclusion is stil a dream..wow r u tryin 2 b a superwoman ?XD...recently always write wth XD..
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