sorry 4 no updatin as i was busy wif eexamssss...

10 of Jan...
was my last paper 4 this sem..
so surely hv 2 relax myself rite..wakaka..
therefore calvin decided to jiao us go clubbin..
n our target was
Tat nite kakis were calvin,poison,shoong,yam jim ming,jun(mngz's frez) and me..
hence,was a bachelor party haha..
too bad mr.bra and 仙 din join..
1st 1 gt kang tao(recently he is busy wif so many kang tao..the next 1..biasa la..he said he headache =.=)
at nite after dinner we RUSHED 2 club again...
haiz...chinese memang "gao tu"..haha..

camwhore awhile be4 outin^^
dog was d driver since i intended 2 pui yam jim ming 2 drink..haha..
we finished putra link in 12 min..well..160 - 170km/h from dog's jazz..
went pavillion fetch yma jim ming and jun..den continue 2 klcc 2 fetch calvin and poison..
den headed 2 our destination..
enter POPPY without much problem
(dunno who always say oni 21 can enter =.=)
sorry la..we noob since 1st time went POPPY ma..haha..
POPPY was very good 2 me indeed XD..
environment nice(creative design ^^ )
ppl good(no ppl fighting at least i dun c 1..hehe..n no ppl jump inside swimmin pool XD)
music best(no more MOS music..pui pui)
liquer nt expensive(MOS u don tok our money so much la)
*promotion 4 chivas 12 years..chivas lover can go there..
wat happen inside is a SECRET (accordin 2 yam jim ming)..
after clubbin..tat's d end of story..haha..
but i stil wan sut him..
yam jim ming was DRUNK...XD
he said he was a good drinker..but on tat nite..hehe..
he became second jordan(jz he din vomit la)...
haha..faster laugh at him keke...
this is yam jim ming
to us :
he is a clubber,liquer lover,smoker(he oredi quit accordin 2 him),dog(he is nw officially awarded with dis title XD), and oso one of my greatest exam helper(thx a lot ya..)
to others :
he is a 4 flatter(i m gonna chase u up XD),a bookworm,hard workin guy,well-behaved guy(r u ???XD) and a loyal ppl(sendiri add up 4 u...)
anyway i m glad i noe dis guy..if without him..i not gonna catch up my study..i m not gonna complete my thx ya..i wil treat u 2nite as a return XD..
b 2 title..
poppy is a nice place..
jz d dance floor quite small so wat u did ppl wil c it so clearly(dis is wat yam jim ming told me)..
n a bit squeeze since was a sat nite..
btw..tat nite was oso d 1st time calvin went 2 dance floor..
u enjoyed it did u Mr.DevilMayLove?..
last but not least..u noe,i noe can d rite?
today is 12 of jan..
so happy b'day 2 myself and my 3 others mmu frenz..
haha..offcially older..20 d..^^
eu r also clubber
yea~happie birthday to euuuuu~
enjoyz eurself & waiting eur post about birthday celebration Y
thx thx..
but i m nt permanent clubber..
i jz shuang shuang go entertain frenz nia ^^..
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